It has been a while since I posted. Things have changed since my last post. The lawn is raked, I have been out playing kayak frisbee (you don't throw the kayak) and summer is here. For your viewing pleasure today we have a selection of images and short stories about them.
After a long five months of winter we had almost a week of 80 degree highs, in April. Due to the heat the flowers got a little confused, the Crocuses and the Daffodils started to bloom at the same time. A weird start to the spring I thought.

On the 6th on May I finally got around to exploring the old falling down mill near my house. The mill is perched on the edge of the stream that runs through town, the mill looks to have been used up until the mid 1990's. but not as a mill. It looks to me that the mill was run on steam to drive belt driven saws, lathes, planes and drill presses. As you walked around the inside you get this eery feeling knowing that it was once a busy work place and now it threatens to fall down with every step. These photos are of the door of what I gather to be the boiler.

Also on the stream is a stone dam for the old mill. The rest of these images are from that mill dam, the product of a sunny afternoon.

Well that's what I have to offer today. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed capturing them. If anyone feels like it please give me your critique of these and any of my work. It helps me see them differently and hopefully gives me new ideas. Enjoy the sunny warmth of spring!