Today on the menu we have a visit to Ciderfest 2007.
Ciderfest is a gathering of friends in Strafford Vt on Columbus day weekend. The gathering was started around 2000 by my good friends Mat and Ethan as a chance to catch up and hang out with old and new friends. The organizers Mat, Ethan, Allison and a few other folks start on Thursday with setup of the outdoor cooking area, building of the dance floor and preparing the cider press. Mid day on Friday more people start to show up and by the end of the weekend there have been maybe as many as 150 people coming and going.
During the weekend there is: contra dancing, a tango workshop, waltzing and more to the music of the Ciderfest Band.

The cooking and eating of good food from the Ciderfest Kitchen.

Good ol' hangout time around the campfire, with a good game, or jamming with friends.

There are also a few other things we have on the schedule.
- Apple cider pressing
- Apple fritters during the Saturday evening contra dance
- The Sunday morning hike and group photo
- The Ultimate Frisbee game and the dip in the pond after
- Enjoy a beautiful fall weekend with friends

Well friends that's all for now, I'll see you all soon.
P.S. Katura, I made a well liked Chocolate Stout Cake. Which said to wisk the cocoa into the Stout, why??